Aluminium / nylon / addressable multi-chip LEDs

600 x 600 x 100mm each

The age-old practice of shadow play, or the effect of obscuring light through interference, is both a decorative and symbolic device in this exhibition. Shadows are formed by the absence of light, but simultaneously also provide evidence of light. The Underwing Lamp series makes a feature of this dual presence using drilled perforations to create covert kaleidoscopic projections. They draw on a study of nocturnal moths, in particular the sphingidae species, which often conceal bold or brightly decorated details beneath their modest fore-wings. They are night flyers, silent beauties with patterns and colours often secreted like hidden jewels beneath their unassuming exteriors.  

To amplify the magic of such evanescent displays, the Underwing Lamps exploit the inherent intensity of addressable multi-chip LEDs. The individual red, green and blue diodes, when excited by electrons produce vibrant, pure forms of coloured light, and when this light is directed to find its path around solid metal perforations, it has the effect of being split rather than blended, creating a tri-colour effect suggestive of wings. The illuminated patterns that result can be shifted to change shape by rotating the central housing, while the lamp colours are selected and pre-programmed using open-source software. Playful and inter-active, these ornamental lamps are a celebration of nature and technology. 

This work was part of the exhibition LUX NOCTURNA, Seven Marks Gallery, 2023.